India: Business education from Scotland?

Starting off a new series today: a catalogue of stories of success. Of businesses from all over the globe kicking-off their India ventures, either trade or direct/joint business ventures. Dubbed the India Success Stories, this first one is from the education sector and a not so likely player- Scotland. Let the inspiration flow…..  The UniversityContinue reading “India: Business education from Scotland?”

Mom! I’m calling from Mt.Everest OR Is the India hype, underhyped?

Now things are getting really interesting in India. We are not talking global majors notching up handsome growths in sales, coming in from their India expansion. That may soon be par for the course. What’s even more telling of the kind of promise that India holds for business to thrive are the new, unconventional stories ofContinue reading “Mom! I’m calling from Mt.Everest OR Is the India hype, underhyped?”

Doing business with India….is a lot like losing weight.

Because….’you got to DO something about it’, if it is to happen.  The reason I make this point is that Canadian businesses are curious about doing business globally but that curiosity is yet to turn into action. We need to galvanize businesses to get into action mode and I feel that it is partly my responsibilityContinue reading “Doing business with India….is a lot like losing weight.”

How’s the automobile market in India? Ask Ford.

Would anybody like to take a guess at Ford’s scale of investment in India, in the last ten years? One billion dollars! And how many new models is Ford going to launch in India by 2015? Eight new models. Just two more indicators for auto parts/ancillary manufacturers from US and Canada to set shop in India. Ford’s ambitiousContinue reading “How’s the automobile market in India? Ask Ford.”

Tip for Canadian & US businesses- invest where Soros invests: India.

Following the 5% buy of the Indian Bombay Stock Exchange in May this year by Temasek [the Singapore sovereign fund], George Soros’ hedge fund has bought into a 4% stake in India’s premier stock exchange.  Just another robust indicator for where the Indian economy is heading and how comapanies doing business in India are expected to perform. ComingContinue reading “Tip for Canadian & US businesses- invest where Soros invests: India.”

Bloomberg news on India: Fastest Growing Economy by 2015.Canadian businesses looking to expand globally to take note.

In its recent report, Morgan Stanley has stated that as India doubles its infrastructure investment and adds-on a six fold increase in workforce by 2015, it may well become the fastest growing economy in the world. One more reason why Canadian businesses in infrastucture, healthcare, education, automotive, financial services, food, leisure & entertainment and many moreContinue reading “Bloomberg news on India: Fastest Growing Economy by 2015.Canadian businesses looking to expand globally to take note.”

Surge In Foreign Investment In Indian Auto & Power Sectors

Investment up by 106% and 52% respectively. Another reason why Canadian auto component manufacturers and power sector equipment manufacturers should be looking closely at India. To know more: